As many of you may have noticed, I have been on an impromptu hiatus for a while. With many in my industry relying on my work during COVID, I was simply too busy and had to scale back in many areas, including the reviews. However! I’m back and I am returning strong.
Homework is intense!
Over the next 30 days, starting tomorrow, I’ll be doing one review a day across a mix of manga and anime, current and backlist, popular and hidden gems. I’ll knockout a few titles that have been sitting on the “watched/read but not reviewed” list such as Red River, Blame, Billy Bat, and Yuri on Ice, and get to the current crop anime like Dr Stone, Wonder Egg Priority, perhaps Jujutsu Kaisen, and anime of the year, Ex-Arm.
Then we have all of the messages and comments sent by many of you during this time. I will get to what I can during this week.
Hope to see you all throughout the challenge and thanks for waiting!
Sagara takes down his teacher.